Link Cut Tree: Squirrel Cities?

I’m trying to solve the “Squirrel Cities” problem in the Link Cut Tree module, but could not pass all the test cases.

I thought the problem is straightforward. Basically, we can sort the durability from large to small. For each question, add all edges that are >= the required durability and find what’s the min time required to build a MST. Then any question which requires time <= this min time is YES. Otherwise NO.

To find this min time, each time when I add a qualified edge (satisfy the durability), say between point a and b

  • if a and b are not connected, obviously add this edge
  • if a and b are connected, let’s find whether there is an edge in the path from a to b where the time is > the time on this new edge. If so, replace it. This is done by using LCT, by
    • set a as the root and access b, this basically form the splay tree for the path from a->b
    • on this splay tree, we can easily find the edge which has the max time, very similar to how to calculate the # of nodes in a splay tree

This is how I calculate the max edge in the path

Updated calc() function in LCT structure

	void calc() { // recalc vals
		for(int i=0; i<2; i++) if (c[i]) c[i]->prop();
		sz = 1+getSz(c[0])+getSz(c[1]);
		sub = 1+getSub(c[0])+getSub(c[1])+vsub;
		stsum = val + getStSum(c[0])+getStSum(c[1]);    // update sum of splay tree value; same approach as sz

		// find max edge
		pathMax = 0;
		if(c[0]) {
            pathMaxLoc = mp(vtx, c[0]->vtx);
            pathMax = eW[pathMaxLoc];
            if(getPathMax(c[0]) > pathMax) {
                pathMaxLoc = c[0]->pathMaxLoc;
                pathMax = c[0]->pathMax;
		if(c[1]) {
            if(getPathMax(c[1]) > pathMax) {
                pathMaxLoc = c[1]->pathMaxLoc;
                pathMax = c[1]->pathMax;
            if(eW[mp(vtx, c[1]->vtx)] > pathMax) {
                pathMaxLoc = mp(vtx, c[1]->vtx);
                pathMax = eW[pathMaxLoc];


and here is the logic to do this replacement

replace circle
            if(connected(LCT[a], LCT[b])) {
                /// remove heavier edge in the cycle
                sn c = lca(LCT[a], LCT[b]);
                LCT[a]->access(); int w1 = LCT[a]->pathMax; pii p1 = LCT[a]->pathMaxLoc;
                LCT[b]->access(); int w2 = LCT[b]->pathMax; pii p2 = LCT[b]->pathMaxLoc;
                if(w1 > nt && w1 >= w2) {
                    eW.erase(mp(p1.ff,; eW.erase(mp(,p1.ff)); cut(LCT[p1.ff], LCT[]); usedT.erase(w1);
                    eW[mp(a,b)] = nt; eW[mp(b,a)] = nt; link(LCT[a], LCT[b]); usedT.insert(nt);
                    maxT = *(usedT.rbegin());
                    vtx = a;
                } else if(w2 > x.ff) {
                    eW.erase(mp(p2.ff,; eW.erase(mp(,p2.ff)); cut(LCT[p2.ff], LCT[]); usedT.erase(w2);
                    eW[mp(a,b)] = nt; eW[mp(b,a)] = nt; link(LCT[a], LCT[b]); usedT.insert(x.ff);
                    maxT = *(usedT.rbegin());
                    vtx = a;
                } else {
                    // a-b connection is useless

            } else {
                maxT = max(x.ff, maxT);
                eW[mp(a,b)] = nt; eW[mp(b,a)] = nt; link(LCT[a], LCT[b]); usedT.insert(x.ff);
                vtx = a;
                if(getSub(LCT[vtx]->getRoot()) == N) isMST = true;

However, I was not able to pass all tests (WA for some cases). I would assume my understanding of the splay tree and/or LCT is not completely correct. Can anybody help me by pointing out what’s wrong here?

Here is the complete code:


ID: USACO_template
#include <iostream>  //cin , cout
#include <fstream>   //fin, fout
#include <stdio.h>   // scanf , pringf
#include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm> // sort , stuff
#include <stack>     // stacks
#include <queue>     // queues
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <string.h>
#include <set>

using namespace std;

typedef pair<int, int>          pii;
typedef vector<int>             vi;     /// adjlist without weight
typedef vector<pii>             vii;    /// adjlist with weight
typedef vector<pair<int,pii>>   vpip;   /// edge with weight
typedef long long               ll;

#define mp  make_pair
#define ff  first
#define ss  second
#define pb  push_back
#define sz(x)   (int)(x).size()

const int MOD = 1e9+7;  // 998244353;
const int MX  = 2e5+5;   //
const ll  INF = 1e18;    //

#define MAXV 100007
#define MAXE 300007

bool debug;

int N, M, Q;
map<pii, int> eW;

/// Link Cut Tree
 * Description: Link-Cut Tree. Given a function 1 ..N
 	* evaluates  for any $a,b.$ \texttt{sz} is for path queries;
 	* \texttt{sub}, \texttt{vsub} are for subtree queries. \texttt{x->access()}
 	* brings \texttt{x} to the top and propagates it; its left subtree will be
 	* the path from \texttt{x} to the root and its right subtree will be empty.
 	* Then \texttt{sub} will be the number of nodes in the connected component
 	* of \texttt{x} and \texttt{vsub} will be the number of nodes under \texttt{x}.
 	* Use \texttt{makeRoot} for arbitrary path queries.
 * Time: O(\log N)
 * Usage: FOR(i,1,N+1)LCT[i]=new snode(i); link(LCT[1],LCT[2],1);
 * Source: Dhruv Rohatgi, Eric Zhang
 * Verification: (see README for links)
	* ekzhang Balanced Tokens
	* Dynamic Tree Test (Easy)
	* (The Applicant)

#include <assert.h>     /* assert */

typedef struct snode* sn;
struct snode {      //////// VARIABLES
	sn p, c[2];     // parent, children
	sn extra;       // extra cycle node for "The Applicant"
	bool flip = 0;  // subtree flipped or not
	int vtx;
	ll val, sz;    /// value in node, # nodes in current splay tree
	int sub, vsub = 0; /// # of nodes in connected tree including itself; vsub stores sum of virtual children
	/// where the "virtual subtrees" refers to the subtrees except the one in the Splay.

	ll stsum;   /// sum of all val in the splay tree; IF call access(), then it is from original root to this node
	int pathMax; /// max weight of an edge along the splay tree path
	pii pathMaxLoc;

	snode(int _vtx, int _val) : vtx(_vtx), val(_val) {
		p = c[0] = c[1] = extra = NULL; calc(); }

	friend int getSz(sn x) { return x?x->sz:0; }
	friend int getSub(sn x) { return x?x->sub:0; }
    friend ll  getStSum(sn x) { return x?x->stsum:0; }
    friend ll  getPathMax(sn x) { return x?x->pathMax:0; }

	void prop() { // lazy prop
		if (!flip) return;
		swap(c[0],c[1]); flip = 0;
		for(int i=0; i<2; i++) if (c[i]) c[i]->flip ^= 1;
	void calc() { // recalc vals
		for(int i=0; i<2; i++) if (c[i]) c[i]->prop();
		sz = 1+getSz(c[0])+getSz(c[1]);
		sub = 1+getSub(c[0])+getSub(c[1])+vsub;
		stsum = val + getStSum(c[0])+getStSum(c[1]);    // update sum of splay tree value; same approach as sz

		// find max edge
		pathMax = 0;
		if(c[0]) {
            pathMaxLoc = mp(vtx, c[0]->vtx);
            pathMax = eW[pathMaxLoc];
            if(getPathMax(c[0]) > pathMax) {
                pathMaxLoc = c[0]->pathMaxLoc;
                pathMax = c[0]->pathMax;
		if(c[1]) {
            if(getPathMax(c[1]) > pathMax) {
                pathMaxLoc = c[1]->pathMaxLoc;
                pathMax = c[1]->pathMax;
            if(eW[mp(vtx, c[1]->vtx)] > pathMax) {
                pathMaxLoc = mp(vtx, c[1]->vtx);
                pathMax = eW[pathMaxLoc];

	int dir() {
		if (!p) return -2;
		for(int i=0; i<2; i++) if (p->c[i] == this) return i;
		return -1; // p is path-parent pointer
	} // -> not in current splay tree
	// test if root of current splay tree
	bool isRoot() { return dir() < 0; }
	friend void setLink(sn x, sn y, int d) {    /// x is parent in the original tree
		if (y) y->p = x;
		if (d >= 0) x->c[d] = y; }
	void rot() { // assume p and p->p propagated
		assert(!isRoot()); int x = dir(); sn pa = p;
		setLink(pa->p, this, pa->dir());
		setLink(pa, c[x^1], x); setLink(this, pa, x^1);
	void splay() {  // bring this node to the root of splay tree
		while (!isRoot() && !p->isRoot()) {
			p->p->prop(), p->prop(), prop();
			dir() == p->dir() ? p->rot() : rot();
		if (!isRoot()) p->prop(), prop(), rot();
		prop(); calc();
	sn fbo(int b) { // find by order
		prop(); int z = getSz(c[0]); // of splay tree
		if (b == z) { splay(); return this; }
		return b < z ? c[0]->fbo(b) : c[1] -> fbo(b-z-1);


	/// make this node the "access node", i.e. the path from original root to this node is one splay tree
	/// bring this to top of splay tree (not impacting the original representation tree)
	void access() {
		for (sn v = this, pre = NULL; v; v = v->p) {
			v->splay(); // now switch virtual children
			if (pre) v->vsub -= pre->sub;
			if (v->c[1]) v->vsub += v->c[1]->sub;
			v->c[1] = pre; v->calc(); pre = v;
		splay(); assert(!c[1]); // right subtree is empty
	void makeRoot() {   // of the splay tree
		access(); flip ^= 1; access(); assert(!c[0] && !c[1]); }

	//////// QUERIES
	friend sn lca(sn x, sn y) {
		if (x == y) return x;
		x->access(), y->access(); if (!x->p) return NULL;
		x->splay(); return x->p?:x; // y was below x in latter case
	} // access at y did not affect x -> not connected
	friend bool connected(sn x, sn y) { return lca(x,y); }

	// # nodes above; distance to root in original tree
	int distRoot() { access(); return getSz(c[0]); }
	sn getRoot() { /// get root of LCT component in the original tree
		access(); sn a = this;
		while (a->c[0]) a = a->c[0], a->prop();
		a->access(); return a;
	sn getPar(int b) { // get b-th parent on path to root
		access(); b = getSz(c[0])-b; assert(b >= 0);
		return fbo(b);
	} // can also get min, max on path to root, etc

	void setVal(int v) { access(); val = v; calc(); }
	void addVal(int v) { access(); val += v; calc(); }
	friend void link(sn x, sn y, bool force = 1) {
		if (force) y->makeRoot(); /// make x par of y; x -> y
		else { y->access(); assert(!y->c[0]); }
		x->access(); setLink(y,x,0); y->calc();
	friend void cut(sn y) { // cut y from its parent
		y->access(); assert(y->c[0]);
		y->c[0]->p = NULL; y->c[0] = NULL; y->calc(); }
	friend void cut(sn x, sn y) { // if x, y adj in tree
		x->makeRoot(); y->access();
		assert(y->c[0] == x && !x->c[0] && !x->c[1]); cut(y); }

struct DT {
    int durability , time;
    int idx;
    bool operator<(DT other) const {
        if(durability  != other.durability ) return durability  > other.durability ;
        return time < other.time;

vector<DT> eDT, qDT;
pii e[MAXE];
map<int, int> eDlist, qDlist;
map<int, vii> eTlist, qTlist;

int ans[MAXE];
map<pair<int, pii>, int> alleW;

int main() {
    debug = false;
    ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(0);

    cin >> N >> M >> Q;
    for(int i=1; i<=N; i++) {
        int a, b, d, t; cin >> a >> b >> d >> t;
        e[i] = mp(a, b);
        auto x = mp(d, mp(a,b));
        if(alleW.count(x)==0) {
            alleW[x] = t;
            x = mp(d,mp(b,a)); alleW[x] = t;
        } else {
            alleW[x] = min(t, alleW[x]);
            x = mp(d,mp(b,a)); alleW[x] = min(t, alleW[x]);
        eDT.pb({d, t, i});
    for(int i=1; i<=Q;i++) {
        int d, t; cin >> d >> t;
        qDT.pb({d, t, i});
    //sort(eDT.begin(), eDT.end());
    //sort(qDT.begin(), qDT.end());
    for(auto x : eDT) eTlist[x.durability].pb(mp(x.time, x.idx));
    for(auto x : qDT) qTlist[x.durability].pb(mp(x.time, x.idx));

    for(int i=1; i<=N; i++) LCT[i] = new snode(i, 1);

    int maxT = 0;
    multiset<int> usedT; usedT.clear();
    int vtx = 0;
    bool isMST = false;
    for(auto qit = qTlist.rbegin(); qit!=qTlist.rend(); qit++) {
        int qD = qit->ff;
        if(debug) cout << "work on q durability " << qD << endl;

        /// collect candidates into a queue
        set<pii> eToAdd; eToAdd.clear();
        while(!eTlist.empty() && eTlist.rbegin()->ff >= qD) {
            if(debug) cout << "  for edge durability of " << eTlist.rbegin()->ff << endl;
            for(auto x : eTlist.rbegin()->ss) {
                if(debug) cout << " ... collect t=" << x.ff << " from edge # " << << endl;

        /// add all qualified edge to the MST; if already connected, remove the larger time piece in the circle.
        for(auto x : eToAdd) {
            int nt = x.ff;
            if(isMST && nt > maxT) continue;
            int a = e[].ff, b = e[].ss;
            if(debug) cout << "  can we use edge " << a << " - " << b << endl;
            if(connected(LCT[a], LCT[b])) {
                /// remove heavier edge in the cycle
                sn c = lca(LCT[a], LCT[b]);
                LCT[a]->access(); int w1 = LCT[a]->pathMax; pii p1 = LCT[a]->pathMaxLoc;
                LCT[b]->access(); int w2 = LCT[b]->pathMax; pii p2 = LCT[b]->pathMaxLoc;
                if(w1 > nt && w1 >= w2) {
                    eW.erase(mp(p1.ff,; eW.erase(mp(,p1.ff)); cut(LCT[p1.ff], LCT[]); usedT.erase(w1);
                    eW[mp(a,b)] = nt; eW[mp(b,a)] = nt; link(LCT[a], LCT[b]); usedT.insert(nt);
                    maxT = *(usedT.rbegin());
                    vtx = a;
                } else if(w2 > x.ff) {
                    eW.erase(mp(p2.ff,; eW.erase(mp(,p2.ff)); cut(LCT[p2.ff], LCT[]); usedT.erase(w2);
                    eW[mp(a,b)] = nt; eW[mp(b,a)] = nt; link(LCT[a], LCT[b]); usedT.insert(x.ff);
                    maxT = *(usedT.rbegin());
                    vtx = a;
                } else {
                    // a-b connection is useless

            } else {
                maxT = max(x.ff, maxT);
                eW[mp(a,b)] = nt; eW[mp(b,a)] = nt; link(LCT[a], LCT[b]); usedT.insert(x.ff);
                vtx = a;
                if(getSub(LCT[vtx]->getRoot()) == N) isMST = true;


        /// now find min T needed to make a MST. Aswer q
        if(vtx == 0 || getSub(LCT[vtx]->getRoot()) != N) {
            // not fully connected
            isMST = false;
            for(auto x : qit->ss) {
                int j =;
                ans[j] = 0;
        } else {
            isMST = true;
            for(auto x : qit->ss) {
                int j =;
                ans[j] = (maxT <= x.ff)? 1 : 0;


    for(int i=1; i<=Q; i++) {
        cout << (ans[i] ? "YES" : "NO" ) << endl;

    if(debug) cout << endl << "EOL" << endl;
