Welcome to the USACO Forum!

Welcome to the USACO Forum!

You can ask and answer questions related to USACO or competitive programming here. Feel free to ask for help if you’re unable to solve a problem.

Please refer to this post to learn more about how to effectively ask for help on a problem.

Additionally, feel free to post bug reports and suggestions for how we can improve the USACO Guide.

Note that this forum is not affiliated with the official USACO organization.

This forum is moderated; however, DM’s are not. Please note that admins can still view DM messages sent through Discourse, so do not send any personal information!


Post Formatting Tips


Inline \LaTeX is supported, as well as block latex:

3x + 4y = 9
Inline $\LaTeX$ is supported, as well as block latex:
3x + 4y = 9


You can use inline spoilers by wrapping it in spoiler tags.

Block Spoilers

Are similarly supported.

You can use inline spoilers [spoiler]by wrapping it in spoiler tags[/spoiler].

[details="Block Spoilers"]
Are similarly supported.


If you want to add graphs, you can use Graphviz (though you may find CSAcademy easier).

1 1 2 2 1--2
[graphviz engine=dot]
graph {
    1 -- 2

Code Blocks

// Source: https://usaco.guide/general/io

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
    int a, b, c; cin >> a >> b >> c;
    cout << "sum is " << a+b+c << "\n";
your code goes here
