USACO 2018 January Silver 2: Rental Service

My code works on every test case except #3. I can’t seem to find the bug though, and the test case is really long. Can anyone provide me assistance?

#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;
#define ll long long

void handle_io(bool end, string filename=""){

if(filename.length() > 0){
freopen((filename+".in").c_str(), “r”, stdin);
freopen((filename+".out").c_str(), “w”, stdout);

bool cmp(const pair<ll, ll> &p1, const pair<ll, ll> &p2){
if(p1.second == p2.second){
return p1.first > p2.first;
} else {
return p1.second > p2.second;

int main(){
handle_io(true, “rental”);
// handle_io(true);

// read
ll N, M, R;
cin >> N >> M >> R;
ll c[N];
vector<pair<ll, ll>> m(M);
ll tR = R < N ? N : R;
ll r[tR];
for(ll i = 0; i < N; i++){
cin >> c[i];
for(int i = 0; i < M; i++){
cin >> m[i].first >> m[i].second;
for(int i = 0; i < tR; i++){
if(i < R){
cin >> r[i];
} else {

// sort
sort(c, c+N, greater());
sort(m.begin(), m.end(), cmp);
sort(r, r+tR);

// // debug
// for(auto x : c){
// cout << x << ’ ';
// }
// cout << ‘\n’;
// for(auto x : m){
// cout << ‘(’ << x.first << ‘,’ << x.second << ‘)’;
// }
// cout << ‘\n’;
// for(auto x : r){
// cout << x << ’ ';
// }
// cout << ‘\n’;

ll fp[N];
int j = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++){
ll g = c[i];
if(i == 0){
fp[i] = 0;
} else {
fp[i] = fp[i-1];
while(j < M){
ll x = min(m[j].first, g);
g -= x;
m[j].first -= x;
if(g > 0){
} else {
// cout << fp[i] << ’ ';
// cout << ‘\n’;
ll gp[tR];
for(int i = 0; i < tR; i++){
if(i == 0){
} else {
// cout << gp[i] << ’ ';
// cout << ‘\n’;
ll mx = gp[N-1];
// cout << mx << ’ ';
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++){
ll v = fp[i] + gp[N-1] - gp[i];
mx = max(mx, v);
// cout << v << ’ ';
// cout << ‘\n’;
cout << mx;

return 0;

6, 2, 4, 7, 1
(10, 25), (2, 10), (15, 15)
250, 80, 100, 40

7, 6, 4, 2, 1 # desc
(10, 25), (15, 15), (2, 10), # desc cost
0 40, 80, 100, 250 # asc

f(i) is the money made by milking first i largest cows
g(j) is the money made by selling the j smallest cows
maximize f(i) + g(n-i) for i = 1…n

calc f(i) with prefix sums
calc g(j) with prefix sums


This text will be blurred


Hi, please put your code in spoilers and cpp formatting.

See This Post for instructions on post formatting.

I think you’re not dealing with R>N properly. Try

1 1 3
1 2

Thank you so much Ben! I couldn’t find that. Proud to say I fixed the issue and AC! Thanks again!