BFS Help

Link: CS Academy
(scroll down and go to shortest path section you will find the question)


from collections import deque

n, m, v = map(int, input().split())
g = [[] for _ in range(n)]
for _ in range(m):
    x, y = map(int, input().split())

q = deque()
d = [float('inf') for _ in range(n)]
d[v-1] = 0
vis = [False for _ in range(n)]
vis[v-1] = True
# print(q)

while q:
    c = q.pop()
    # print(c, q)
    for i in g[c]:
        if not vis[i]:
            vis[i] = True
            d[i] = d[c] + 1
# print(d)
ans = []
for i in range(n):
    ans.append(d[i] if d[i] != float('inf') else -1)
print(' '.join(list(map(str, ans))))

Does anyone know why this BFS is wrong?