USACO Dec 2023 Silver Target Practice


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Problem Info



Following the logic explained in the solution but missing a few test cases. Test case 6 should have answer 55, I am getting 53

What I’ve Tried

FOllowed the solution logic detailed in the USACO site

My Work

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class targetPr4 {
	static int[] tArray;
	//static String cArray;
	static String command;
	static int[] prefixArray;
	static int[] suffixArray;
	public targetPr4() {
		// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

	public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
		FileReader reader;
		Scanner scanFile;
		reader = new FileReader("");
		scanFile = new Scanner(reader);
		//Scanner scanFile = new Scanner(;
		int T = scanFile.nextInt();
		int C = scanFile.nextInt();
		tArray = new int[2*C+5];
		prefixArray = new int[2*C+5];
		suffixArray = new int[2*C+5];	

		for (int i = 0; i< T; i++)
			int x = scanFile.nextInt();
			tArray[x+C] = 1;
		command =;
		int position = C;
		int hitCount = 0;
		int[] hitArray = new int[2*C+5];
		int[][] hitArrayL = new int[2*C+5][5];
		Arrays.fill(hitArray, -1);
		for (int i = 0; i<2*C+5; i++)
			Arrays.fill(hitArrayL[i], -1);
		int[][] hitArray2 = new int[2*C+5][5];
		//int[][] hitArray22 = new int[C][2*C+1];
		for(int i = 0; i < command.length(); i++)
			if (i == 0)
				prefixArray[i] = 0;
				prefixArray[i] = prefixArray[i-1];
			case 'L':
				//hitArray22[i][position] = hitArray[position];
			case 'R':
				//hitArray22[i][position] = hitArray[position];
			case 'F':
				if (tArray[position] == 1 && hitArray[position] == -1)
					hitArray[position] = i;
					//hitArrayL[position] = (i > hitArrayL[position] ? i : hitArrayL[position]);
					//hitArray22[i][position] = 1;
				if (prefixArray[i] == 27)
					//System.out.println("i = "+i);
				//hitArray22[i][position] = hitArray[position];
			//hitArray22[i][position] = hitArray[position];
		for (int i = 0; i<prefixArray.length; i++)
			System.out.print(prefixArray[i]+" ");
		//build suffix array
		int[][]suffArray2 = new int[C+2][5];//0 is -2, 4 is +2
		//int[][]deductArray2 = new int[C+2][5];
		int tempHit = 0;
		int finalHit = 0;
		for(int i = command.length()-1; i >= 0; i--)
			suffArray2[i][0] = suffArray2[i+1][0];
			suffArray2[i][1] = suffArray2[i+1][1];
			suffArray2[i][2] = suffArray2[i+1][2];
			suffArray2[i][3] = suffArray2[i+1][3];
			suffArray2[i][4] = suffArray2[i+1][4];
			if (i == 512)
				//System.out.println("Position = " + position);
			 check this. When doing final calcs - if F changes to L - we lose a hit. When building suffic array, 
			 we would have not added that hit as the index of hit was earlier. We need to track if the target is also hit 
			 at a later time then add it.
			case 'L':
				//no change
				tempHit = (i>0 ? prefixArray[i-1]:0) + suffArray2[i+1][2];
				finalHit = (tempHit > finalHit ? tempHit : finalHit);
				tempHit = (i>0 ? prefixArray[i-1]:0) + suffArray2[i+1][3];
				if (tArray[position] == 1 && (hitArray[position] >= i || hitArray[position] == -1))//target and not already in prefix
					if (hitArrayL[position][3] == -1)//not included in suffix
						//hitArrayL[position][3] = i;
						//suffArray2[i][3] += 1;
				finalHit = (tempHit > finalHit ? tempHit : finalHit);
				//L -> R
				tempHit = (i>0 ? prefixArray[i-1]:0) + suffArray2[i+1][4];
				finalHit = (tempHit > finalHit ? tempHit : finalHit);
				if (finalHit == 53 && i == 512)
                	//System.out.println(prefixArray[i-1]+ " " +suffArray2[i+1][4] );
                	//finalHit = 88;
			case 'R':	
				tempHit = (i>0 ? prefixArray[i-1]:0) + suffArray2[i+1][2];
				finalHit = (tempHit > finalHit ? tempHit : finalHit);
				tempHit = (i>0 ? prefixArray[i-1]:0) + suffArray2[i+1][1];
				if (tArray[position] == 1 && (hitArray[position] >= i || hitArray[position] == -1))//target and not already in prefix
					if (hitArrayL[position][1] == -1)//not included in suffix
						//hitArrayL[position][1] = i;
						//suffArray2[i][1] += 1;
				finalHit = (tempHit > finalHit ? tempHit : finalHit);
				//R -> L
				tempHit = (i>0 ? prefixArray[i-1]:0) + suffArray2[i+1][0];
				finalHit = (tempHit > finalHit ? tempHit : finalHit);
			case 'F':
				//F stays = 2
				//if target hit before this index
				tempHit = (i>0 ? prefixArray[i-1]:0) + suffArray2[i+1][2];
				//add hit if target hit
				if (hitArray[position] == -1 || hitArray[position] >= i)//not in prefix
					if (hitArrayL[position][2] == -1)//not is suffix
						//suffArray2[i][2] += (tArray[position] == 1 ? 1 :0);
						tempHit+= (tArray[position] == 1 ? 1 :0);
						//hitArrayL[position][2] = (tArray[position] == 1 ? i :-1);
				finalHit = (tempHit > finalHit ? tempHit : finalHit);
				//hitArrayL[position][2] = (i > hitArrayL[position][2] ? i : hitArrayL[position][2]);
				tempHit = (i>0 ? prefixArray[i-1]:0) + suffArray2[i+1][1];
				finalHit = (tempHit > finalHit ? tempHit : finalHit);
				tempHit = (i>0 ? prefixArray[i-1]:0) + suffArray2[i+1][3];
				finalHit = (tempHit > finalHit ? tempHit : finalHit);
				if (position > C)
				int II = i-2;
				//keep F as is
				if (hitArray[position] == -1 || hitArray[position] > II)//not in prefix
					if (hitArrayL[position][2] == -1)//not in suffix
						suffArray2[i][2] += (tArray[position] == 1 ? 1 :0);
						//tempHit+= (tArray[position] == 1 ? 1 :0);
						hitArrayL[position][2] = (tArray[position] == 1 ? i :-1);
				//move one unit left
				if(position > 0 && (hitArray[position-1] == -1 || hitArray[position-1] > II))//not in prefix
					if (hitArrayL[position-1][1] == -1)//not in suffix
						suffArray2[i][1] += (tArray[position-1] == 1 ? 1 :0);
						hitArrayL[position-1][1] = (tArray[position-1] == 1 ? i :-1);
				//move 2 units left
				if(position > 1 && (hitArray[position-2] == -1 || hitArray[position-2] > II))//not in prefix
					if (hitArrayL[position-2][0] == -1)//not in suffix
						suffArray2[i][0] += (tArray[position-2] == 1 ? 1 :0);
						hitArrayL[position-2][0] = (tArray[position-2] == 1 ? i :-1);
				//move one unit right
				if(hitArray[position+1] == -1 || hitArray[position+1] > II)//not in prefix
					if (hitArrayL[position+1][3] == -1)//not in suffix
						suffArray2[i][3] += (tArray[position+1] == 1 ? 1 :0);
						hitArrayL[position+1][3] = (tArray[position+1] == 1 ? i :-1);
//				if (i == 513)
//				{
//					System.out.println("F " +position+" "+suffArray2[i][4] + " " + hitArray[position+2]+" "+ hitArrayL[position+2][4]);
//				}
				//move 2 units right.
				if(hitArray[position+2] == -1 || hitArray[position+2] > II)//not in prefix
					if (hitArrayL[position+2][4] == -1)//not in suffix
						suffArray2[i][4] += (tArray[position+2] == 1 ? 1 :0);
						hitArrayL[position+2][4] = (tArray[position+2] == 1 ? i :-1);;
		int sum = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < newHitArray.length; i++)
			sum += newHitArray[i]; 


Add explanation of code here

  1. Build prefix Array of target hits
  2. STart backward and build a suffix array
    At position i if = ‘F’ then check if the target has been hit in prefix array at or after this position AND if the suffix array has NOT already hit this target → then add to suffix array