USACO 2016 US Open, Silver Problem 1. Field Reduction

Problem Info


My Work

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;

struct Cow {
	int x;
	int y;

bool cmpy(Cow a, Cow b) {
	if (a.y == b.y) {
		return a.x < b.x;
	else {
		return a.y < b.y;

bool cmpx(Cow a, Cow b) {
	if (a.x == b.x) {
		return a.y < b.y;
	else {
		return a.x < b.x;

int main() {
	ifstream fin("");
	ofstream fout("reduce.out");
	int N;
	fin >> N;
	Cow c[50000];
	int a;
	for (a = 0; a < N; a++) {
		fin >> c[a].x;
		fin >> c[a].y;
	Cow r[12];
	int p = 0;
	Cow g;
	g.x = -1;
	g.y = -1;
	sort(c, c + N, cmpx);
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		r[i] = c[i];
	r[3] = c[N - 3];
	r[4] = c[N - 2];
	r[5] = c[N - 1];
	sort(c, c + N, cmpy);
	int j;
	bool v = true;
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		v = true;
		for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
			if (c[i].x == r[j].x && c[i].y == r[j].y) {
				v = false;
		if (v == true) {
			r[i + 6] = c[i];
		else {
			r[i + 6] = g;
	for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
		v = true;
		if (c[N - 3].x == r[j].x && c[N - 3].y == r[j].y) {
			v = false;
	if (v == true) {
		r[9] = c[N - 3];
	else {
		r[9] = g;
	for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
		v = true;
		if (c[N - 2].x == r[j].x && c[N - 2].y == r[j].y) {
			v = false;
	if (v == true) {
		r[10] = c[N - 2];
	else {
		r[10] = g;
	for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
		v = true;
		if (c[N - 1].x == r[j].x && c[N - 1].y == r[j].y) {
			v = false;
	if (v == true) {
		r[11] = c[N - 1];
	else {
		r[11] = g;
	int k;
	int f = 1600000000;
	int z;
	int minx;
	int maxx;
	int miny;
	int maxy;
	bool v1;
	bool v2;
	bool v3;
	bool v4;
	int area;
	for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
		for (j = i + 1; j < 12; j++) {
			for (k = i + 2; k < 12; k++) {
				if (r[i].x != -1 && r[j].x != -1 && r[k].x != -1) {
					v1 = false;
					v2 = false;
					v3 = false;
					v4 = false;
					sort(c, c + N, cmpx);
					z = 0;
					while(z < N) {
						if (c[z].x != r[i].x || c[z].y != r[i].y) {
							if (c[z].x != r[j].x || c[z].y != r[j].y) {
								if (c[z].x != r[k].x || c[z].y != r[k].y) {
									minx = c[z].x;
									v1 = true;
									z = N - 1;
					while(z >= 0) {
						if (c[z].x != r[i].x || c[z].y != r[i].y) {
							if (c[z].x != r[j].x || c[z].y != r[j].y) {
								if (c[z].x != r[k].x || c[z].y != r[k].y) {
									maxx = c[z].x;
									v2 = true;
									z = -1;
					sort(c, c + N, cmpy);
					while (z < N) {
						if (c[z].x != r[i].x || c[z].y != r[i].y) {
							if (c[z].x != r[j].x || c[z].y != r[j].y) {
								if (c[z].x != r[k].x || c[z].y != r[k].y) {
									miny = c[z].y;
									v3 = true;
									z = N;
					while (z >= 0) {
						if (c[z].x != r[i].x || c[z].y != r[i].y) {
							if (c[z].x != r[j].x || c[z].y != r[j].y) {
								if (c[z].x != r[k].x || c[z].y != r[k].y) {
									maxy = c[z].y;
									v4 = true;
									z = -1;
					if (v1 == true && v2 == true && v3 == true && v4 == true) {
						area = (maxx - minx) * (maxy - miny);
						f = min(f, area);
	fout << f;
My code essentially generates a list of points that either have the 3 least x or y coordinates or the 3 most x or y coordinates. Then, it cycles through these points, choosing 3 at a time. It then finds the least x and y and greatest x and y excluding these points. It uses the results to calculate the area. Then it takes the minimum.
Note: I chose not to comment my code further than this, since I do not need help on the algorithm and such. This should be enough to read my code well enough to determine time complexity. Let me know if I need to comment further or elaborate.

## What I have Tried
I've tried looking at the test data.

## Question
Currently, I've got 8/10 test cases. I'm timing out on the 9th and 10th. However, I calculated the time complexity and I believe I should still make it. though it was a rough estimate. Therefore, I have two questions. One: What is the time complexity of my program and what does it need to be (roughly) to run in time? Two: Is there anything I can do to make my program run faster?