This USACO 2013 Silver problem is unlike a problem I have seen before. We have only 50,000 cows but each x and y coordinates are up to 1e6.
I tried to use floodfill and resize the grid so it’s just large enough to fit all the cows. Even so, the length and width could possibly be 25,000, which exceeds the memory limit.
I receive a runtime error or memory limit out-of-bounds exception when I run the following code.
int rows, columns;
vt<vt<bool>> grid, visited;
int dx[4] = {0, 1, 0, -1};
int dy[4] = {1, 0, -1, 0};
int perimeter;
void floodfill(int x, int y) {
if (x < 0 || x >= rows || y < 0 || y >= columns) return;
if (visited[x][y]) return;
if (grid[x][y] == 1) {
visited[x][y] = 1;
F0R(i, 4) floodfill(x + dx[i], y + dy[i]);
int main()
int n;
vt<pi> order(n);
pi X = {1e6, 0}, Y = {1e6, 0};
auto bound = [] (pi& A, int p) {
A.f = min(A.f, p);
A.s = max(A.s, p);
cin >> n;
F0R(i, n) {
int x, y;
cin >> x >> y;
order[i] = {x, y};
bound(X, x);
bound(Y, y);
rows = X.s - X.f + 3;
columns = Y.s - Y.f + 3;
F0R(i, columns) grid[i].resize(rows);
F0R(i, columns) visited[i].resize(rows);
pair<int, int> change = {X.f-1, Y.f-1};
F0R(i, n) {
int a = order[i].s - change.s;
int b = order[i].f - change.f;
grid[a][b] = 1;
/*F0R(i, columns) {
F0R(j, rows) cout << grid[i][j] << " ";
cout << endl;
//floodfill(0, 0);
cout << perimeter << endl;
- If the print statements are left commented, I receive a runtime error or memory limit exceeded exception regardless of the floodfill.
- If I uncomment only the print statements, the
outputs correctly. - If I uncomment both the print statements and the floodfill, a runtime error or memory limit exceeded exception occurs.
I could not find an issue with either my floodfill function or the way I set up my grid. Is there some undefined behavior? Can you please help?
I am also confused as to how this problem can require such severe compression. It seems true that the memory limit will certainly be exceeded. The way I did the compression also seems way too time-consuming and error-prone for a regular silver problem. Was there a mistake in this problem statement? Can you please clarify?