Time Complexity goals

I have a question about what type of time complexity you should am for depending on the size of the data structure. For example, what should you aim for if N=10,000? Can somebody give me a list of time complexities I should aim for depending on the size of the data? Thanks!

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Usually, USACO wants your problem to go for strictly less than 1 billion operations around 100 million, maybe 200-300 million if you have a low constant factor. For example, when N = 10^5, then usually only complexities of O(n) or O(n \cdot \log n) are accepted.

For your question where n = 10^4, then O(n^2) would probably be accepted, though you would have to have a low constant factor for that to pass.

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Here is a table on Usaco guide for all the time complexities based on the data size.


OK thank you for the help!

OK thank you fro your help!

You don’t actually need to memorize the table btw. The number of operations allotted in a USACO problem is 10^9 operations. Therefore, for an O(N^2) algorithm the upper bound is approximately O(N^2). Hope this helps. :wink:

USACO generally allows for somewhere around 10^8 operations, not 10^9!

See https://usaco.guide/bronze/time-comp

I mean, I did say “less than”…
Also r/unexpectedfactorial

That’s still misleading (since that implies that one billion operations is okay). I’d recommend updating your comment to avoid confusing other people :confused:

However, the following code (10^9 operations) passes for this problem though. :confused:

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

int ub = 1e9, cnt = 0;
int a[7];

int main() {
	for(int i=0; i<7; i++) cin >> a[i];
	for(int i=0; i<ub; i++) { cnt++; } // 1e9
	assert(cnt == ub);
	cout << a[0] << ' ' << a[1] << ' ' << a[6] - a[0] - a[1] << '\n';

For your particular code, I think the USACO server optimizes out the loop (it doesn’t add any additional runtime to it). The updated code here still passes in ~700ms though…

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

int ub = 1e9, cnt = 0;
int a[7];

int main() {
    for(int i=0; i<7; i++) cin >> a[i];

    for(int i=0; a[0] > 0 ? i<ub : i<a[0]; i++) { cnt++; } // 1e9
    assert(cnt == ub);

    cout << a[0] << ' ' << a[1] << ' ' << a[6] - a[0] - a[1] << '\n';

So I suppose if your loop has a very very low constant factor then you can have a rather large number of operations. (Has there been a problem that’s required > ~2-300 million operations though?)

i think USACO problems don’t require 2-300 million operations.

This was super helpful, thank you so much, guys!