Solution - Longest Beautiful Subsequence (IZhO)

I was trying to understand the solution to this problem. But I don’t think that I have really got the solution to get full score, also I don’t think I have got something from this, I don’t feel confident apply the same idea to other problems.
Here are some of my doubts about the solution:

  • first of all I don’t understand the “it seems natural” here: “Notice that, no matter how we define the DP state, these two complexities will always multiply to O(M). Therefore, we want to find a restriction such that both complexities are O(\sqrt{M}). This motivates using a blend of dp1 and dp2. Since dp12 already restricts bits, it seems natural to consider applying dp1 on some bits of x and dp2 on the rest.” what is the thought process here?
  • I’m not sure I got the idea behind choosing dp[i][j][k]. (I’ve understood why that is correct but I wouldn’t be able to apply it again), is this correct: dp[i][j][k] is the maximum value for all numbers that have i as the first 10 bits and that have k bits in common with j in the last 10 bits, also in this dp we actually dropped a dimension and that is the index we are currently, right?
  • last thing, shouldn’t this problem be put in the meet in the middle section?
  • are there other way to solve this problem in O(N\sqrt{M} ? Originally I thought about splitting the number x in two parts but I didn’t think about using dp2 so I was stuck.
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Yes. If you’ve seen meet in the middle before IMO taking a sqrt for the time complexity is pretty natural, otherwise not.

If you implement the solution you should be able to check your understanding.

are there other way to solve this problem in O(N\sqrt M)?


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