Problems with getting input from files

So I’m trying a new way of getting input from files while using c++. I tried it out on the shell problem in the bronze practice.

  1 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
  2 int N, ord[3], cnt[3];
  4 using namespace std;
  5 int main()
  6 {
  7     ofstream fout ("shell.out");
  8     ifstream fin ("");
  9     fin >> N;
 10     for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i){
 11         ord[i] = i;
 12     }
 13     int a,b,g;
 14     for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i){
 15         fin >> a;
 16         fin >> b;
 17         fin >> g;
 18         --a, --b, --g;
 19         swap(ord[a], ord[b]);
 20         ++cnt[ord[g]];
 21     }
 22     fout << max({cnt[0], cnt[1], cnt[2]});
 23     cout << max({cnt[0], cnt[1], cnt[2]});
 24     return 0;
 25 }

That was my code. (Sorry for it taking up so much space). Whenever I try to do

fin >> a,b,g;

instead of

fin >> a;
fin >> b;
fin >> g;

I get an segmentation error. Can somebody please explain to me why?

If you want to inline it, try:

fin >> a >> b >> g;
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Alright thank you for your help :grinning: