Pell's Equation

I wrote some code to find positive integer solutions (x, y) to the Pell equation x^2 - d\cdot y^2 = 1 for a user-inputted value d. Let the smallest (trivial) solution be (a, b). All solutions x + y\sqrt{d} to the Pell equation must be of the form \left(a+b\sqrt{d}\right)^n. In my code, I first brute force the trivial solution (a, b) and then use Dynamic Programming to iteratively craft the next solution by multiplying (x+y\sqrt{d}) \cdot (a+b\sqrt{d}). To find square roots for the brute force part, I use binary search to find the floor of \sqrt{X}.

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

using ll = long long;
#define pell cout << "Integer solutions to x^2 - dy^2 = 1:" << endl

void perfect_square(){
    cout << "d is a perfect square" << endl;
    cout << "1 0" << endl;

// returns the floor of sqrt(x)
ll sqrt(ll x, ll p, ll q){
    if(p >= q) return p;
    ll mid = p + (q-p+1)/2;
    if(mid*mid <= x) return sqrt(x, mid, q);
    else return sqrt(x, p, mid-1);

int main() {
    int d; ll a, b, x1, x2, y1, y2;
    cin >> d; // find solutions to x^2 - dy^2 = 1
    vector<vector<ll>> dp = {{1,0}};
        ll a2 = 1+d*b*b;
        a = sqrt(a2, 0, a2);
        if(a*a == a2){
            // (x+y[d])(a+b[d]) = (a*x+b*d*y) + (b*x+a*y)[d]
            x1 = a, x2 = b*d, y1 = b, y2 = a;
    for(ll i=1;true;i++){
        ll x = dp[i-1][0], y = dp[i-1][1]; // previous solution
        cout << x << " " << y << endl;
        ll l = LLONG_MAX;
        if(x > l/max(a,b)) // are x1*x or y1*x out of bounds
        if(y > l/max(b*d,a)) // are x2*y or y2*y out of bounds
        if(x1*x + x2*y < x1*x) // is x1*x + x2*y out of bounds
        if(y1*x + y2*y < y1*x) // is y1*x + y2*y out of bounds
        dp.push_back({x1*x + x2*y, y1*x + y2*y});

Please feel free and encouraged to provide any feedback on my above code.

To check if the next solution \{x_1\cdot x + x_2\cdot y, y_1\cdot x + y_2\cdot y\} is within the bounds of long long, I had to do some tedious casework. Can we check if x_1\cdot x + x_2\cdot y is out-of-bounds more efficiently? Do we really need to use 4 separate if-else statements to check out-of-bounds, or can you please provide an easier method?

I am also uncertain as to whether binary searching on the floor of the square root of X is really necessary. I only use binary search to find the square root of a number if it is a perfect square. Can you please explain how to find the square root faster using Silver-level algorithms? If you choose to reference a pre-existing C++ function for square root, please explain the algorithm used rather than referring me directly to that in-built function.


it’s just a for loop … I wouldn’t call it dynamic programming


maybe first compute these numbers as long double and check whether they are within bounds? or just use Python

you don’t need true here

Thank you for your feedback.

I am fine with an algorithm that checks for a perfect square or finds the square root using Gold-level algorithms as well. If there is any way to achieve this purpose using an algorithm that’s \le \log X time, please let me know. For instance (if applicable), note that you can explain an algorithm that uses a range query data structure or some kind of tree to narrow in on the square root in exactly \log X time.

Does long double in C++ exceed the max limit of long long? How can a datatype allow both a 64-bit number after the decimal point and an infinitesimal number before the decimal point?

Also, I think there may be nuances to this part of my code.

        if(x > l/max(a,b)) // are x1*x or y1*x out of bounds
        if(y > l/max(b*d,a)) // are x2*y or y2*y out of bounds
        if(x1*x + x2*y < x1*x) // is x1*x + x2*y out of bounds
        if(y1*x + y2*y < y1*x) // is y1*x + y2*y out of bounds

Is x_1\cdot x + x_2\cdot y < x_1\cdot x always sufficient to check if x_1\cdot x + x_2\cdot y is out of bounds, or do I need \le x_1\cdot x? Is it true that long longs cycle back to negative integers upon overflow, or does it continue using nonnegative integers? Can I use, for example, x_1\cdot x + x_2\cdot y < 0 to achieve my purpose? Please explain any sensitive scenarios I might need to consider.

Isn’t it already \log X?


It doesn’t. If it overflows LL range the value might not be represented exactly. (But I think it still suffices?)

Seems that signed integer overflow is undefined in C++, so I think it’s not guaranteed to work? Though these may very well work correctly (I think it depends on the compiler that you’re using).

Another thing you could try is converting to uint64_t or __int128 ex.

int main() {
	using ul = uint64_t;
	ll a = 1LL<<62;
	ll b = 1LL<<62;
	if ((ul)a+(ul)b > (ul)LLONG_MAX) cout << "OVERFLOW";

Yes, it is. I just wanted to know if there was a more elegant method. Binary search is rather standard, and I’m eager to understand how some of the Gold concepts can be used to find the square root in \le \log X time. For instance (if applicable), I would appreciate learning an algorithm that uses a range query data structure or some kind of tree to narrow in on the square root in logarithmic time.

Thanks for your clarifications about long double and signed integer overflow. I didn’t know larger datatypes existed or that there was a different way to check for overflow. Thanks!