Memory Error?

Problem Info

I’m doing this problem.

My Work

#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>

using std::cout;
using std::endl;

constexpr int MAX_SIZE = 5e3;
constexpr int MAX_MAG = 1e6;

int arr[MAX_SIZE];
int occ_num[2 * MAX_MAG + 1];
int pair_num[MAX_SIZE][MAX_SIZE - 1];
long long triple_num[MAX_SIZE][MAX_SIZE];

// 2020 jan gold
int main() {

    freopen("", "r", stdin);
    int size;
    int query_num;
    std::cin >> size >> query_num;
    assert(size <= MAX_SIZE);
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        std::cin >> arr[i];
        assert(-MAX_MAG <= arr[i] && arr[i] <= MAX_MAG);
    for (int targ_ind = 2; targ_ind < size; targ_ind++) {
        int target = -arr[targ_ind];
        int curr_pairs = 0;
        for (int i = targ_ind - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            if (abs(target - arr[i]) <= MAX_MAG) {
                curr_pairs += occ_num[target - arr[i] + MAX_MAG];
            pair_num[i][targ_ind - 1] = curr_pairs;
            occ_num[arr[i] + MAX_MAG]++;
        for (int i = targ_ind - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            occ_num[arr[i] + MAX_MAG]--;
    for (int len = 3; len <= size; len++) {
        for (int start = 0; start + len - 1 < size; start++) {
            int end = start + len - 1;
            triple_num[start][end] = (
                triple_num[start][end - 1] + pair_num[start][end - 1]

    freopen("threesum.out", "w", stdout);
    for (int q = 0; q < query_num; q++) {
        int start;
        int end;
        std::cin >> start >> end;
        cout << triple_num[--start][--end] << '\n';

It’s slightly different from the official solution, but the core philosophy is still the same.

The thing is, even though the official solutions use the same amount of memory, my solution MLEs on the sample. Why is this the case?

Why don’t you try estimating the amount of memory your solution uses? Looks like >256MB to me.

(In retrospect, it probably would have been a good idea to increase the ML for this problem.)

Why don’t you try estimating the amount of memory your solution uses?

I…don’t really know how to do that,

Just add up the sizes of each array.

Unfortunate- It seems my solution is indeed over the limit.
Out of curiosity, is my solution supposed to get an MLE?

EDIT: Alright, I reused a DP array and got around the MLE (code here). However, it’s still TLE-ing on the last couple test cases.