I am learning about dynamic programming. I have a basic idea of what it entails, but I am not clear how to go about memoizing a piece of recursive code I have wrote. The details are below.
In order to practice dynamic programming, I am working through the Atcoder educational DP contest here:
I am currently working through task: Frog 1. I want to solve this using recursion + memoization as opposed to tabulation to learn the concept.
Conceptual Solution
I visualise this as a tree. The left leg is the i + 1 node, whereas the right leg is the i + 2 node. The weight of the edge is the cost of moving to that node. For test case 1, here is how it looks (the optimal cost in the square boxes):
Base case: If we are at the final stone (in this case 20), return the cost.The cost is shown in the square boxes in the picture.
Recursive case: At each stone we have two choices: move forward 1 or move forward 2. We are guaranteed to hit the final stone using a combination of the feasible steps from any node. I just have a bit of logic to pick the shortest path calculated from the current node to the destination node.
Code Solution
My attempt in code:
from sys import stdin
import math
fin = open("test.in")
N = int(fin.readline().strip())
stones = [int(x) for x in fin.readline().split()]
def traverse(i, stones, cost = 0):
if i == N - 1: return cost
a = None
b = None
if i + 1 < N:
a = traverse(i + 1, stones, cost + abs(stones[i] - stones[i + 1]))
if i + 2 < N:
b = traverse(i + 2, stones, cost + abs(stones[i] - stones[i + 2]))
if a is not None and b is not None: return min(a, b)
if a is None and b is not None: return b
if a is not None and b is None: return a
print(traverse(0, stones))
This seems to work and give the correct answer.
Now my problem is I do not know how to memoize this. I can see there are overlapping subproblems and I am doing repeated work, so it is possible to memoize. Could someone skilled at this please give me a hint as to how to approach memoizing my code.