How do I go from not being able to solve a single problem to solving USACO Bronze in 2025?(it’s way harder now)
This is mad long. If u wanna get to the point, just read the last sentence)Hello! I’ve been trying to learn how to pass and I’ve gone through all of the modules while understanding the topics, yet I’m still unable to decipher a lot of the problem statements on what I’m actually supposed to do. I easily misunderstand what the questions are asking, and when I look at editorials and solutions to problems, I get how the code works but am still confused on how to reach the answer (sorry I know that’s basically the whole thing of USACO). The best I’ve been able to do is understand the objective of easy problems like shell game (Link: yet be unable to formulate code for a single problem. I haven’t tried Code Forces cause I find 800 level problems too hard, and stuff like Hankerrank is a bit too easy with so much content that I don’t want to waste a large amount of time towards something that may not even teach me the right content for USACO. Please don’t give a general answer of just “do more problems” or “read more carefully”. I know it’s asking for too much but I need specificity. I apologize for the tangent, but I guess my main question is this: How do I go from nothing to being able to solve problems and continue learning?(Again, sorry for the length)