Feedback on Rectangle Class

I would like some feedback on a rectangle class I created.

#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

using ll = long long;

struct Rect{
    ll x1,y1,x2,y2,area(){return max(0LL,x2-x1)*max(0LL,y2-y1);}; // Rect with x2<x1 && y2<y1 --> product = positive
    void input(){cin>>x1>>y1>>x2>>y2;};
    Rect(int x1=0,int y1=0,int x2=0,int y2=0): x1(x1),x2(x2),y1(y1),y2(y2) {}
    Rect intersect(Rect a){Rect t(max(x1,a.x1),max(y1,a.y1),min(x2,a.x2),min(y2,a.y2));
        return t.x2>=t.x1&&t.y2>=t.y1?t:Rect();};
    ll unite2(Rect a){return area()+a.area()-intersect(a).area();};
    ll unite3(Rect a,Rect b){return area()+a.area()+b.area()

I appreciate any feedback on my class above. I have an area function, an intersect function (returning the rectangle itself), a unite function for 2 rectangles, and a unite function for 3 rectangles.

I think this can help shorten the code for several problems (for example, White Sheet):

int main(){
    Rect w, b1, b2; w.input(); b1.input(); b2.input();
    cout << (b1.intersect(w).unite2(b2.intersect(w)) < w.area() ? "YES" : "NO") << '\n';

Are there any more features I can add that usually come in problems? In terms of how concisely or directly I coded each attribute, can you please point out any suggestions for me to improve?

Also, is there an easy way to write unite3() in terms of unite2(), rather than rewriting all terms and expressions? Is there an easy way to code PIE with n variables in terms of PIE with n-1 variables?

Thank you!

Seems fine, though I’m not sure everything is on its own line.

I would avoid memorizing very specific templates like this though, since it’s too specific of a problem. More important to know the concept of PIE and generalize it to all kinds of problems (geometry, prefix sums, counting, etc.)

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