I was doing problem USACO 2023 Bronze OPEN P1 and the program I made was wrong but I can’t see why(python). The 1st case works but the 2nd and 3rd don’t and say “x”. Here’s my code.
N = int(input())
costs = list(input().split())
costs.sort(reverse = True)
costs = [int(i) for i in costs]
money = 1
k = 1
highest_money = [0, 0]
while money != 0:
money = 0
for h in range(N):
if costs[h] >= k:
money += k
if money > highest_money[0]:
highest_money[0] = money
highest_money[1] = k
k += 1
print(highest_money[0], highest_money[1])