Debugging Help

Can someone please help me? I’ve encountered a ! as the only test case for a problem that doesn’t work. I can share my code here:

with open("teleport.out", "w") as delete:
del delete
import sys
sys.stdin = open("", "r")
sys.stdout = open("teleport.out", "a")
a, b, x, y = [int(item) for item in input().split()]
johns_position = a
distance = 0
if x < johns_position:
    to_x = johns_position - x
elif johns_position < x:
    to_x = x-johns_position
if y < johns_position:
    to_y = johns_position - y
elif johns_position < y:
    to_y = y-johns_position
if to_x > to_y:
    portal = y
    portal = x
if johns_position < portal:
    distance += (portal-johns_position)
elif johns_position > portal:
    distance += (johns_position-portal)
if portal == x:
    johns_position = y
elif portal == y:
    johns_position = x
if johns_position > b:
    distance += (johns_position - b)
elif johns_position < b:
    distance += (b - johns_position)
del to_y, to_x, portal, x, y
distance_hardcore = 0
johns_position = a
if johns_position > b:
    distance_hardcore += johns_position - b
elif johns_position < b:
    distance_hardcore += b - johns_position
if distance_hardcore > distance:

Problem is Here