Convoluted Intervals w/ Python is TOOO Slow

Problem Info

Convoluted Intervals, Silver


I have absolutely no idea why, but my code is TLE-ing on all test cases except the first two. It seems like at least one of the slowdowns, according to my Pycharm Debugger, is reading the inputs …? Running it on test case 3 (downloaded test data) literally stops my computer from running (???)

What I’ve Tried

First, I read in all the starting and ending positions of the intervals. Only the counts are stored. Then, loop over all positions in from 0 - M twice nestedly - say these positions are x & y. A difference array for values of k adds 1 in ans[x + y] for each occurrence of x and y in the starts and subs 1 in ans[x + y + 1] for each occurrence of x and y in the ends. This is the same as doing ans[x + y] += starts[x] * starts[y] and ans[x + y + 1] -= ends[x] * ends[y]. Then you do prefix sums and output the reuslts. This seems to be O(N + M^2 + M) with minimal constant factor. M^2 is only 25 mil and N is only 500,000 yet for some reason it’s not working.

My Work

def main():
    length, range_size = map(int, input().split())
    # Creates and reads counters of a & b (starts & ends respectively)
    starts, ends = [0 for _ in range(5001)], [0 for _ in range(5001)]

    for _ in range(length):
        start, end = map(int, input().split())
        starts[start] += 1
        ends[end] += 1

    # Calculate difference array - size of 2 * M + 2 to easily avoid index out of bounds for d[M + M + 1] -= x
    difference_array = [0 for _ in range(2 * range_size + 2)]

    for first in range(0, range_size + 1):
        for second in range(0, range_size + 1):
            difference_array[first + second] += starts[first] * starts[second]
            difference_array[first + second + 1] -= ends[first] * ends[second]

    # Print running prefix sums
    total = 0

    for value in difference_array[:-1]:
        total += value

if __name__ == "__main__":

It is not guaranteed to be able to pass USACO problems with Python. I would suggest switching to C++ for the better constant factor.

Btw, it should run much faster if you substitute PyPy in place of Python (

However, there is no ETA on when this will be supported by USACO …